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Zed's Dead


Limp Jimmy


Full suspension nasty urban chopper


Spent a great deal of time making this sucker. It was all about the forks; and it works most excellently, with it's 8" of silky-smooth front-end travel and it's dynamic-twin-fly-screen-door rebound dampening system.

As usual, it's more than what it seems, because the forks (weighing more than the frame, and made from 4 back-ends!) simply detach with a couple of bolts and go onto any standard MTB forks — not that you would, but you could!


Most people avoid eye contact when you ride this... don't understand why:::


2006 24hr race — for once, people weren't wondering what all the springs were about... they still avoided eye contact tho!

This is how it started... can you see what I see?

Is that better?

My retired alluminium XC frame would have been too much hassle (we haven't got a TIG welder), so I cut this Huffy up instead...

Four suspension pivots made from bottom brackets make for silky-smooth suspension travel... NOW can you see what's going on??
I just dig the fly screen door gas units used as rebound dampening — you can even adjust them!!

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