This, found online by Brazen Buck Blowout V — mind-bogglingly wonderful!
An aqua tallbike from C.H.U.N.K. 666 (mutant bicycle jaunting club and tallbike youth brigade with members in Portland, Oregon and Brooklyn, New York)
A valid, workable idea from Brandi Wrekt'em. Who knows...
Loose Brown's hang bike, already named Missionary
Impossible — HA HA!!!
Nancy already had the idea of a hang bike, but Loose was first to
draw a picture and send it in...
Here is Matt's Harbour Brdige Bike, that'll take
a bit of welding
Funeral Bike (chuck a mono!)
The Prop Bike, as featured on Popular
Mechanics... a public liability issue if nothing else!
Tall swing bike, now we're talking!
Then there's this guy... personally, I don't dig
white dudes who wear a moustache and stick many newspaper clippings
to the walls of the room in their house with no windows... and why
build a sideways bike if you're not looking for a disaster recipe??
But anyways... here is his website.
Pretty cool tall trike, not so many bike parts used...
and it doesn't float.