Summer-rats 2007
Here is a photo from Nancy of one of the by-products of the innaugural
Summerrats ride! (8 stitches later, Two Humps is doing well by all
accounts). The same can't be said for the blue tall bike... but
i'm sure it will be up and riding again before long too!There are
no photos that can really capture the hilarity of 16 rats riding
tall bikes/choppers/cruisers down Lonsdale St on the Friday night
of Summernats! (For those not familiar with Summernats, it was aptly
described by one radio announcer as the event where petrol-heads
do burnouts in cars they can't afford. Participants come to soak
up the atmosphere of car fumes, burning rubber and the 'three Bs';
Beer, Boobs and Burnouts)
Surprisingly as we overtook all the cars lined up to do their
lap of the street in front of huge crowds, and then took-up the
street in our own right, we had no beer cans thrown at us... and
mostly the reaction from the crowd was huge cheers and high-fives...
as well -of course- as the obligatory "chuck a mono!!"
(which Two Humps did... ending in some spilt blood...)
Definitely one of the most different rat rides yet!! Get well
soon Two Humps!!