Pre-HistoryridesFArtOz RatsImmigration

Immigration is a place where you can learn about stuff that would otherwise seldom be worth knowing, depending on stuff...

So, you want to be a Rat?

We are a non-profit thang and have build days regularly to re-use steel and other, by way of making bikes using power tools and drinking beer. Chek the Patrol's historic origins.

Rat Patrol is a leaderless, community-based, non-political global bicycle collective. Rat Patrol Oz is one of many Chapters around the world. Our beloved Chapter in Oz is fortunate to have a diverse cross-section of Rats that are inclusive, fun-loving, not aggressive and constructive — it's these beautiful people that form our positive community character. We hold Build Days, Rat Rides and bike events that anyone can attend...

But it's not about being cool. FIRST, you have to read the Rat Patrol Manifesto and be at least vaguely thinking along these lines.

THEN talk to us, but first remember that you must complete your own mutant bike without a serious drink tool-using accident preventing you from doing so, AND get through your Rat Induction...

And then, you should ask yourself "why?"


Keeping in Touch...

If you want to keep in touch with all things RPOz, our blog lives @ and our Rat Activity communications comes via If you want to be on the mailing list, you'll need to say who you are and why the hell you'd want to be on the list... send an email to: nic AT corinbank DOT com


Rat Inductions

Once you have built your first freakbike, the process is then to ride, get drunk, behave foolishly and wake up in the morning to find yourself 'in the service', complete with a Rat Name...

I don't know why anyone would want to go through that, but if you think know what you're getting yourself in for, send a very polite email to oddbodATcyberoneDOTcomDOTau...

The Rat Patrol Oz Workshop

Limp Jimmy's Bike Tardis.

Bloody Mary's Rats Nest.

At any given moment, the RPOz Workshop is kindly hosted by one of our Rats. Currently, it's at Brazen Buck Blowout V's Rat Pad in Canberra's Inner North — SHHHHHH, it's secret!


Media Slutage

If you want in on Rat Patrol Oz, bear in mind that we don't go around being aggresive, nasty or destructive; so you will be forced to present our benovolent image to the public at large, including festy media interviews, etc. SBS filmed a doc about us and we had to talk to the camera (and get very drunk, of course), Lonely Planet filmed the Oz Rats for their episode on Canberra (we drank a lot of beer), we even do charitable things every now and again (if we get free beer)...


Hear the TripleJ radio interview for the Art of Moving exhibition




We ride...

For the un-intitiated, here is a warning about runaway riders...

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