Rat Patrol Oz: Phase Two
We had heard rumours of someone else making tallbikes in Canberra
— it's a small town and we know lots of people, so we weren't
sure whether or not to believe the rumours...
So it was... I'm in a bike shop doing a Thursday mish getting the
staff to try and dig up some "old parts" from their secret
stash, when a dude comes up to me and says "Gidday mate, is
that your bike out the front?"
As usual, I took a breathe subconsciously, and prepared a generic
answer or two: "Yes, it is". "Wow, it's cool!"
— I sighed internally, as I wasn't in the mood for the usual
moronic fucktard questioning... but this was no fucktard or moron!
Far from it. I expected him to then ask how do you get on?
or Why? or What is it?, but no, he said calmly
"We make tallbikes too."
"Fuuuuuuuuck! We've heard about you!!!" Turns out we
were having a Rat Ride the next night, so they (Two Humpz &
Victor 2stroke) came along too! It was a great night and everybody
got very drunk and laughed a lot. That was when Rat Patrol Oz went
from being a circle of friends, to something else... this was the
moment we had been waiting for.

Turns out, they brought Brett along (someone else
we had met before on the road), who had his trike, aptly named Rat
We rode down steps and parked-in Polish Club guests...

Cold, but fun :)