We left town on our 1,400km journey, 2 cars packed with people
and gear, a shitload of freakbikes and a couple of hang gliders.
After 20km, Porker and Limp wanted to stop at their local
launch site for some reason; because oh, the wind was almost
right for flying... but not quite. The picture above is taken
from launch, with the landing area clearly visible a few hundred
metres below. Another time... maybe in Byron Bay :)

We couldn't believe the place when we arrived... WTF?!?!
It was a full pimping MANSION!!
The first thing Limp Jimmy did when he arrived was take his
new phone for a swim — but you do whatever you want
when you're a rockstar.
< Lise blows kisses to YOU >

One of our Scandanavian guests adding to the pimpness and
general beauty of the place. They couldn't believe they were
at a place like this either!!!! Doesn't look like much of
a dinner table, but it seats at least 20 peeps in lavish comfort.
Of course their was a pool table, which our in-house professional
croupier setup regularly for some gamblin'...

There wasn't much to do except eat amazing food, drink, smoke,
swim, spa, surf, dive, fly, play music and sleep. Pretty boring,

I could think of worse things to wake up to everyday.

Every night was a party...

Nancy and Limp met and became soul brothers with Juan...
not only is he the Byron Bay Hang Glider Safety Officer, but
an amazing beautiful man.

Limp had slipped disk at C7 issues most of the week, so while
Nancy flew like a bird this day, he diligently worked as Juan's
wingman and trusted weather vein, assisting in taking half
our crew on their first-time tandem flights, which were free
for Byron Rats. The above pic inset indicates something of
what free flight feels like the first time... pretty good.

Of course, we shared the 10km freakride to Byron Bay on the
Pacific Highway with many trucks, buses and cars — a
scary journey. But at least we were stupidly drunk!! I don't
think we took any pictures of that ride.

Final Day
After we had done all the moping up at the Manor, we all
left it for the last time, thankfully Limp's neck was a tad
better and the wind was perfect for flying. He and Nancy insisted
on making the first stop of the return journey back to Canberra
after only 10km... at the Bryon Bay Lighthouse launch... funny
that! They flew for an hour, landed barefoot on the beach,
went for a surf, then packed up their gliders and left...
Without Two Humpz's efforts, none of us would have ever known
about this place... thanx to Two Humpz!!!!!