Ride-in Movies & Double Rat Initiation Ride
It was cold and we got drunk, while YoofRat2 drank stupendous amounts of red cordial, mixed by the notorious Nancy Porker. After 2 hours, YoofRat2 was completely off his head. Formerly Known As Steve was forced to drink inordinate amounts of 90%proof Slivovitz — he had no choice in the matter, this wasn't about getting stupidly drunk for no good reason, this was about up-holding a time-honoured tradition.
They told us we couldn't come in to the drive-in without a car or a booking. By the time we had finished explaining ourselves, we were already in! They hadn't planned on having to keep out freakbikers. They loved having us as guests, but there were a few complaints from some clients who didn't like people who don't insist on driving cars and trashing the planet. Fair call.
Strangely enough, nobody vomitted or passed out in the sub-zero degree temperatures. Mmmm, the BBQ was a good idea!

YoofRat 2 before he was named Cap'n Flapper: off his head on red cordial!

Safety Stop #4: we didn't require any benzine, only chocolate.

Brandi Rektem crashes his brand new freakbike, The Anachronaut, and is assisted by the progressively-fading Cap'n Flapper. The petrol bowser was OK!