The Rat Patrol has been passing down the same beat up screens, complete with welding spark holes, through the generations. A few new screens have been made along the way.
The Year Rat
Members earn one for every year in the club

St. Ratrick's Day
Earned by attending a St Ratrick's Day Ride, As of 2008 there is a spefic color screened for each year |
Deep Digger
For the most ambitious of dumpster divers
Red Rat of Courage
The patch no one wants to earn. This patch can only be worn by those who have gone to the hospital from sustaining an injury while on a freak bike
Uncle Grandpa
This patch is earned by doing something terrible while under the influence of Uncle Grandpa
Rat Calvary
This Patch is given to non rats who help a rat in distress
Freak Bike For Life
Earned by those who denounce all other forms of transportation but freak bikes
Choppers for Life
Earned by those who denounce all other forms of transportation including non-chopper freak bikes
No Presidents No Prospects
Rat Patrol takes pride in its inclusive club policy
Certified Dumpster Inspector
Never get hasseled by a store employee again; just flash this
Winter Rat
Yes its cold, yes, there's snow, put on more clothes, fuck winter
Bubbly Dynamics
Earned by Rats who did work to pay our "rent" at Bubbly Dynamics. As we no longer have a build space there, this patch is now retired.
Lab Rat
Earned by being especially creative in building
River Rat
Another patch no one wants to earn. When you are forced to get into the Chicago River this is your only consellation
Keep track of how far your freak bike has made it |
Organic Mechanic
For Rats who can fix their busted up bike with anything lying around |
Chicago <3 Nashville
Earned by traveling from one chapter to the other

Brunch Patrol
If rats can't feed, rats can't breed |
Scally Rats
For those too ratty for the Scallywags but still keen on Jesus

Earned by Zoobombing in Portland |

Pixie Power
For the tiny bike enthusiast |

In Satan We Bike
For rats not so keen on Jesus

There is no way to quit Rat Patrol. For those more casual about their Rat status there are various friendship patches. These patches are also for members of other clubs. |